Saturday, August 8, 2009

Just another day in the grocery parking lot...!

Closed Circuit TV Camera Captures a Indecent Act - Lucky guy gets a parking lot blowjob, and gee whiz - now his girlfriend is known World-Wide as a tube-site Porn Star!

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Tuesday, August 4, 2009

"Prostitutes Of Our System"

I don't usually post political stuff, but this was just too good not to... Jack

Keith Olbermann's "special comment" last night about rampant Congressional corruption in the face of proposed public-option health care reform was/is a classic. He stated the basics, which is that Republicans are paid big money for serving the insurance industry, Big Pharma, hospitals, HMO's and nursing homes. Same deal with Blue Dog Democrats. He named names... A little long, but this aired 3 times last night...

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